Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Say What !!

It's SUNDAY you say?


then we'll just fiddle with
these sticks for a while
and try not to fall in!

since this photo was taken
60 years ago,
these boys are all retirement age now.

Can you guess who they are?


Nan said...

Such a wonderfully evocative picture. Those kids are just precious, and captured in that time and place.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment, Nan. It might be hard to glean from my blog but this hearkens back to a long standing joke in our family which had a strict Calvinist upbringing that included the taboo of swimming on Sundays. Yet ... Sunday always seemed to be the sunniest day of the week!

BTW, I read your blog daily and love everything about it: the book reviews, the photos, your family, the recipes and your "wildlife".

Anonymous said...

Hello Joanie
I've just popped over from Harriet Devine's blog.
I have an American colleague and we have had long conversations about raisins etc.
In the UK we have:
currants - very small very black
sultanas - ambery yellow, translucenty
raisins - brownish & bigger
Here is a link from the Kew Gardens website

We would put all 3 different sorts in a Christmas Cake.
Sultanas in scones.
Currants in bread & butter puddings & Eccles cakes.
They are all very different and I tease my US colleague and say that you can't possibly call them all the same word!!!

Anonymous said...

Joanie - I do believe that that cute little boy in the black bathing suit is brother Dan!! It sure looks like him. Have you heard from the others?
Cousin Judy