A boat load of things get lost at BSL,
or "simply go missing, dahling"
as our British friends might say.
Over the course of time,
where time equals decades
and even generations,
the Hofmans have lost
*in no particular order*
Bikini Tops
actually purloined we think
Boat Motors
just a simulation but it's been
on the bottom of the lake so long
I'm sure it looks uber "vies" by now
Wedding Rings
never found
Sometimes children .... briefly
Our appetites
deep fried food with mayo =
heart attack to go
Our way
"I thought we were in Lake County"
All Sense of Modesty
we won't name this child
and .... Countless Fishing Lures

often found in tree branches
or stuck to the back of your jacket
Soooooo .....
it is with deep satisfaction
and unbelievable excitement
and even a little bit of tear-jerky emotion
that for ONCE
we found something
that absolutely made everybody's day.
Here he is ....

with his very happy, huggy,
red-eyes-from-crying owner
This is neither here nor there
but I kinda think these kids are Dutch,
don't you?
as our British friends might say.
Over the course of time,
where time equals decades
and even generations,
the Hofmans have lost
*in no particular order*
Bikini Tops

Boat Motors

on the bottom of the lake so long
I'm sure it looks uber "vies" by now
Wedding Rings

Sometimes children .... briefly

Our appetites

heart attack to go
Our way

All Sense of Modesty

and .... Countless Fishing Lures

often found in tree branches
or stuck to the back of your jacket
Soooooo .....
it is with deep satisfaction
and unbelievable excitement
and even a little bit of tear-jerky emotion
that for ONCE
we found something
that absolutely made everybody's day.
Here he is ....

with his very happy, huggy,
red-eyes-from-crying owner

but I kinda think these kids are Dutch,
don't you?
What a wonderful posting - unique and so interesting and true. Do you listen to Click & Clack on NPR? Just yesterday a woman called in about her wedding ring being in the steering wheel! Those little kids could have Scandanavian heritage, also. I want to ask you if it is okay if I go into my Little Heathens post and add the part of your comment that talks about names. It really altered my complaint about the book, and I thought it would be meaningful for anyone coming to the post.
Sure ... go right ahead and add my comments. I don't know if they speak for everybody but that was the "vibe" I got when I saw her title for the first time.
Don't even get me started on that ring! The replacement ring has been lost, too!
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