....it's just various Hofmans
wearing underwear on their heads and,
in one case, a loincloth.
Welcome, everyone, to my new project,
a blog celebrating 75 years of Hofmans vacationing
at Big Star Lake in Northern Michigan.
I hope to upload tons of photos and group them
more or less by decade.
I also hope to garner lots of Big Star memories
from Hofmans flung far and wide.
wearing underwear on their heads and,
in one case, a loincloth.
Welcome, everyone, to my new project,
a blog celebrating 75 years of Hofmans vacationing
at Big Star Lake in Northern Michigan.
I hope to upload tons of photos and group them
more or less by decade.
I also hope to garner lots of Big Star memories
from Hofmans flung far and wide.

1973, an Art Class taught by Ellen Van't Hof featuring
The Beauty Of Tie Dye
Back row: Judy VH Alphenaar, Gwen Primus Hendrikse (friend), Joanie VH Rosema, Karen VH Reid, Don Van't Hof, Claire Hoogstrate, Art Hoogstrate, Bill Hoogstrate, Ellen Van't Hof
Kneeling: Jane Van't Hof, Mickie Van't Hof
The Beauty Of Tie Dye
Back row: Judy VH Alphenaar, Gwen Primus Hendrikse (friend), Joanie VH Rosema, Karen VH Reid, Don Van't Hof, Claire Hoogstrate, Art Hoogstrate, Bill Hoogstrate, Ellen Van't Hof
Kneeling: Jane Van't Hof, Mickie Van't Hof
hurrah! you earn a gold star for your very first blog post. A+.
Wow! I don't know which is crazier - the tie-dyed underwear, or the great legs (espicially those of Joanie, Gwen, and Bill)!
Thanks for the memories, Joanie.
Whoops! The above is from me, Gwennie. And it should read espEcially. Not sure how to get in and fix that!
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