.....Bikini Tops!
The year was 1968 (or maybe it was 1969, no matter), the location was Stroven's cottage on Chapel Road, the time was deep dark night and all the little Hofman offspring were sleeping with visions of canceled Sunday services in their heads, when out of the gloom and gloaming came an ancient car with a bad muffler, idling briefly behind the slumbering cottages and breaking the idyllic BSL-type silence, and then off it sped with it's stolen loot -- Bikini Tops!
The motive? Too weird to even contemplate!

But, hey! It was the 60s. In a way it was kinda groovy,
so Eunice and Judy wrote a song
about it.......

and Debbie decided to wear her
beach cover-up
for the final two weeks of summer vacation.
Although a lot of baiting with more bathing suits and Nancy Drewlike sleuthing went on, and our beloved Blue Horizon posted more photos of other purloined bathing attire, (or rather, denuded clotheslines where swimwear had recently hung), no perpetrator was ever apprehended, which is kinda creepy because that means.........
He's still out there!
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