A little feedback on the eggbeater....
Judy VH Alphenaar writes:
"I have fond memories of the eggbeater being
a real boy magnet.
Eunice and I used to take out the rowboat
with the eggbeater attached
and when we saw some cool guys ramming around in a speedboat
we would pretend that we were having motor trouble.
Of course you didn't have to do much pretending with the infamous eggbeater
because just the sight of it made the whole scenario believable."
Bill Hoogstrate writes:
"Not too bad (the photo in the previous post)
but the real eggbeater predates the one in the picture
by quite a few years.
It didn't have any housing on the top
so you could see the whole engine.
On the top was the starter cord
that you had to wrap by hand
every time you pulled to start.
This was originally Grandpa Hofman's motor,
my guess is that it was built in the 30s."
And just for old timey's sake,
here is a little snippetje from a letter
Grandma Hofman wrote to Uncle John & Uncle Wally
when the rest of the clan was at BSL in the summer of 1956:
"Greetings to all from Big Star....
Well, last Saturday when we got here
Dad (Jan Hofman) went in the boat
with Davy (Dave Van't Hof, now 58)
to catch some fish and the motor stalled on him.
He just got it back from Schaeffer which cost
him over $10.00!! (Lawsy mercy! - editor)
Well, you can't begin (sic) much without a motor.
Don (VH) was going back Sunday night and coming back Wednesday night
so early Monday morning Marge (Vermeer) got up
and she took Don to work so she could have
Don's car to take the motor (to the mechanics),
they checked it and it was
Did you ever hear anything worse?
Dad was without a motor for three days!"
Judy VH Alphenaar writes:
"I have fond memories of the eggbeater being
a real boy magnet.
Eunice and I used to take out the rowboat
with the eggbeater attached
and when we saw some cool guys ramming around in a speedboat
we would pretend that we were having motor trouble.
Of course you didn't have to do much pretending with the infamous eggbeater
because just the sight of it made the whole scenario believable."
Bill Hoogstrate writes:
"Not too bad (the photo in the previous post)
but the real eggbeater predates the one in the picture
by quite a few years.
It didn't have any housing on the top
so you could see the whole engine.
On the top was the starter cord
that you had to wrap by hand
every time you pulled to start.
This was originally Grandpa Hofman's motor,
my guess is that it was built in the 30s."
And just for old timey's sake,
here is a little snippetje from a letter
Grandma Hofman wrote to Uncle John & Uncle Wally
when the rest of the clan was at BSL in the summer of 1956:
"Greetings to all from Big Star....
Well, last Saturday when we got here
Dad (Jan Hofman) went in the boat
with Davy (Dave Van't Hof, now 58)
to catch some fish and the motor stalled on him.
He just got it back from Schaeffer which cost
him over $10.00!! (Lawsy mercy! - editor)
Well, you can't begin (sic) much without a motor.
Don (VH) was going back Sunday night and coming back Wednesday night
so early Monday morning Marge (Vermeer) got up
and she took Don to work so she could have
Don's car to take the motor (to the mechanics),
they checked it and it was
Did you ever hear anything worse?
Dad was without a motor for three days!"
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