What's in Blue Moon Ice Cream?
Blue Moon Ice Cream.
I didn't realize it until I began this post
but apparently Blue Moon is indigenous to the Midwest.
Who knew?
Just like the White-tailed Deer,
Petoskey stones,
Ida Red apples,
and people who say Ruff when they
mean to say Roof,
Blue Moon ice cream appears only in
those Wisconsiny, Illinoisy, Michigany
kinda places.
You know the ones ....

Blue Moon Ice Cream.
I didn't realize it until I began this post
but apparently Blue Moon is indigenous to the Midwest.
Who knew?
Just like the White-tailed Deer,
Petoskey stones,
Ida Red apples,
and people who say Ruff when they
mean to say Roof,
Blue Moon ice cream appears only in
those Wisconsiny, Illinoisy, Michigany
kinda places.
You know the ones ....

the infamous Joneses Ice Cream shop
in Baldwin, Michigan.
Isn't this photo just the epitome
of small-town America?
The Ferris Wheel is courtesy of Trout-A-Rama.

We always feel pretty sportin'
in our Joneses Tees.
in our Joneses Tees.

And they even come in manly colors.

another oft-frequented stop
for Blue Moon Ice Cream consumption.
Back in the day this place was
our beloved Blue Horizon (well, not ours personally,
but you know what I mean),
later on called Bozo's,
and as of a few years ago, renamed Mel's.
When we eat Blue Moon ice cream,
more often than not,
lick Blue Moon ice cream,
we feel like belting out this song ...
You see ....
Blue Moon just resonates with us in that
deeply patriotic, home-grown manner
found in other Americana icons
such as apple pie, baseball, juke-box music,
Old Yeller movies and John Deere tractors.
And Blue Moon = Big Star Lake.
We just love us some Blue Moon,
yet, sadly,
we can never make it ourselves
because the recipe seems to be a
Big Fat Federal Secret.
It's True!!
No one really knows what's in it.
And no one really knows when it first
appeared in all its robin egg glory
though the 1950s is the most popular guess.
This is thee secret ingredient that people swear
is the benchmark of Blue Moon (pick one):
Bubble gum
Cotton Candy
Fruit Loops
Blue Curacao (whatever that is)
(the second "c" is supposed to have
that little squiggly thing under it
but I have no idea where it is on the keyboard)
And even the mysterious author Neil Gaiman
(of Coraline fame)

has weighed in on the subject ....
and he's British!
So Blue Moon aficionados,
what is it?
Cedar Crest Ice Cream is not telling.
Hudsonville Ice Cream is not telling.
Country Fresh Ice Cream is not telling.
If you know,
or even think you do,
please tell!
And now, because this video really
speaks to me
and cracks me up at the same time,
bon appetit and eet smakelijk.
(I love that his fridge looks like ours ... a hot mess!)