Dearest Nook,
Where oh where are you?
Did you get caught up in the rapture?
Did you fall prey to the steady
march of progress?
We're sorry that we called you
Crook in the Woods
when your name was actually
Nook in the Woods ....
We were just uncouth, uncultured
kids from the ghetto
who had to babysit
teaming Catholic families of
six kids under 6 years old
washing their never ending laundry,
ironing their wrinkled beyond belief clothing,
walking their unmanageable dogs, and even
PICKLING their cucumbers
all for a lousy 5o cents an hour
and thought we were rich indeed,
only to find out that
everything at the Nook was at least a dollar.
We take back every thing we said about your
exorbitant prices and promise
we will be forever happy with
which is Almost As Fun (voices of mothers everywhere)
if you will just give us one little indication of
where you disappeared to.
We miss (in no particular order):
The Hull pottery, now only available on ebay

These fake little tonic bottles

This gen-u-wine Indian beaded leather belt

These miniature little mailboxes

This Gwen Frostic timeless stationery

This owl windchime

These owl candles

And these mushroom candles
with a little owl figurine
(Owls were very big in the 60's, as were mushrooms.
No one really knows why.)
(photo from
At the end of an energy-leaching sunny day
it felt good to walk down the sandy road
and turn in at the wagon-wheel
and browse among all of these irresistible trinkets
while the wooden floor creaked underneath our flipflops
and the windchimes tinkled outside
and the lady behind the counter
watched us like a hawk.
we had to satisfy our
spending urges
with yet another
Blue Moon ice cream cone, or,
a big bag of beef jerky
from the much more reasonably priced
Blue Horizon.

Did you get caught up in the rapture?
Did you fall prey to the steady
march of progress?

Crook in the Woods
when your name was actually
Nook in the Woods ....
We were just uncouth, uncultured
kids from the ghetto
who had to babysit
teaming Catholic families of
six kids under 6 years old
washing their never ending laundry,
ironing their wrinkled beyond belief clothing,
walking their unmanageable dogs, and even
PICKLING their cucumbers
all for a lousy 5o cents an hour
and thought we were rich indeed,
only to find out that
everything at the Nook was at least a dollar.
We take back every thing we said about your
exorbitant prices and promise
we will be forever happy with
which is Almost As Fun (voices of mothers everywhere)
if you will just give us one little indication of
where you disappeared to.
We miss (in no particular order):
The Hull pottery, now only available on ebay

These fake little tonic bottles

This gen-u-wine Indian beaded leather belt

These miniature little mailboxes

This Gwen Frostic timeless stationery

This owl windchime

These owl candles

And these mushroom candles
with a little owl figurine
(Owls were very big in the 60's, as were mushrooms.
No one really knows why.)

At the end of an energy-leaching sunny day
it felt good to walk down the sandy road
and turn in at the wagon-wheel
and browse among all of these irresistible trinkets
while the wooden floor creaked underneath our flipflops
and the windchimes tinkled outside
and the lady behind the counter
watched us like a hawk.
we had to satisfy our
spending urges
with yet another
Blue Moon ice cream cone, or,
a big bag of beef jerky
from the much more reasonably priced
Blue Horizon.