Did you know digging to China
is a lot harder than the
average backyard hooligan
would have you believe?
average backyard hooligan
would have you believe?

It takes FOREVER
and a DAY
and then a month
but, hey, wait a sec ....
Ahoy there, matey
Hannah think's she's spotted something ...

Yee - Haw!
This calls for the
Dueling Guitar Hero Competition

Grace is being a gracious winner

and not a melted silver medal, on Luke's hand
- we call him Duct Tape Hand Luke -
and no, we don't know why he
always has one wet pant leg.
Then, off to the Scenic Lake Venue
and the Two Man Kayaking Competition
with the One Man Hole

and the "Dew" Quaffing Competition

and the Smore Stuffing Competition.

Grant received 0.0 for execution
since he declined to eat a Smore,
but we did give him an 8.75 for artistic expression

Dave received a 9.5 for execution
but only a 2.5 for artistic expression

Back we go now to the Scenic Lake Venue
for the Staying Under Water The Longest Competition
which Luke won
and it was so totally not fair
because he had scuba gear
and an Oxygen Tank
plus that flag isn't even from a real country

and the Jeremiah Johnson Archery Competion
which takes INTENSE concentration
involving complicated mouth contortions

with arrows that are almost faster than the speed of light!
(check out top right hand corner)

We discovered that blind people
have an especially hard time in this competition
so we let Judy be an "almost winner"

(little side note ....
Did you know blind people
can hunt deer in the State of Michigan
Per usual the over all winner was Cap'n Steve.
Bull's Eye every time.
However ....
later on he tested positive
for excessive amounts of caffeine and self importance.

And our gold medal Beachyball
winners were (sans bikinis) ....
Hannah (Kerri) and Annalise (Misty)

That gold is lip-smackin' good.
Eet Smakelijk, Beijing.

We had only one injury

but luckily our staff of super-qualified
Olympic Trainers and Sports Medicine people
had all the latest technology
handily at their disposal.